See also: Galician (def. 1)
- 1909  Up in Edmonton the Galicians (Ruthenians?) have just organised a corps of volunteer militia to serve the Canadian country of their adoption.
- 1929  Ruthenians are an intensely nationalistic and independent people.
- 1935  The Ruthenians who came chiefly from the Polish province of Galicia, but partly also from Bukowina in Roumania are commonly known in Canada as Galicians.
2 n. the language of such people, especially Ukrainian.
See also: Galician (def. 2)
- 1909  . . . Slays from Little Russia and from Great Russia, the alert Polak, the heavy Croatian, the haughty Magyar, and occasionally the stalwart Dalmation from the Adriatic, in speech mostly Ruthenian. . . .