1665  (1885)  . . . if once we could come to that place we should make good cheare of a fish that they call Assickmack, wch signifieth a white fish.
1760  The chief nourishment of the Michilimakinais was fish . . . such as . . . asticameque, or white fish.
1858  (1860)  This important source of food in these regions is well named At-ik-um-aig.
1905  (1954)  There is an excellent food fish in the lakes of that region--the white fish ("titimeg" or "atikameg" as the Crees called it). . . .
1909  From these deep cisterns he had seen the Indian fishermen take whitefish, the ahtikameg (deer-of-the-water), twenty pounds in weight. . . .