See also: buffalo ((n.)) (def. 2)
- 1583  There is also a kind of Beaste, much bigger than an Oxe, whose hyde is more than 18.foote long, of which sorte a Countriman of ours, one VValker a Sea man, who vppon that Coast, did a trueth reporte, in the presence of diuers honourable and worshipfull persons, that he and his company did finde in one Cottage aboue 240.Hides, which they brought away and solde in Fraunce for xl. shillinges an hyde, and with this agreeth Dauid Ingram, and describeth that beast at large, supposing it to be a certaine kinde of Buffe.
- 1665  (1885)  They have very handsome shoose laced very thick all over wth a peece sowen att the side of ye heele, wch was of haire of Buff.
- 1961  I figured the baby buff would run away if I turned him loose. . . .