n. the power, formerly held by the British government to veto provincial or federal legislation, ordinances, appointments, etc., made in Canada.
- 1763  (1906)  And you are forthwith to transmit unto our Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, in order to be laid before Us for Our Approbation or Disallowance, the Names of the Members of the Council so to be appointed by you as aforesaid.
- 1778  His Majesty . . . hath been pleased to signify His Royal disallowance of, and declare void and of none effect, a certain Law and Ordinance made and passed in the Castle of St. Lewis, in the said City and Province of Quebec. . . .
- 1841  The same Gazette also contains . . . another Proclamation declaring the disallowance by Her Majesty of the Provincial "Act to establish a College by the name and style of the University of Kingston."
- 1958  Although Section 56 of the BNA Act has never been repealed, the exercise of the power of disallowance was declared to be obsolete by the Imperial Conference of 1926.