1954  Then came the empire of the cattleman, the horseman and the unfenced ranch, with its saloons and six-shooters, its branding irons and lariats, its mavericks and slick ears.
2n.Slang a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
c1878  (1928)   [. . . Our horsemen when they ride.
The sense of duty well discharged
All idle thought sustains;
No other spur to action need
The Riders of the Plains.]
1957  "Does she think you're taking him to the army road to wait for the horseman?"
1960  He had over three hundred dollars in his wallet and he shuffled the edges of the bills to make sure the horseman would realize he was not dealing with a vagrant.
1963  "Here we are with a dozen set of threads [stolen suits] and a good drop [fence] and in walks the horsemen [RCMP]."