1671  (1942)  Any of the Committee have power to Sell the ottar & mouse Skins as they shall see fit.
1717  (1932)  I took the Oppertunity & told them abt Scrapeing of their Moose Skins so thin. he Said it was because of the Long Carriages they had to bring them they was forced to make them Light.
1805  (1933)  . . . Seraphin with 1 Man went to pay a visit to Chenier [to] get a Moose Skin and probably will pay a visit to Laprairie.
1909  [Caption] Watch-pocket of smoked moose-skin, embroidered in silkwork, made by a Cree girl. . . .
1957  But the mooseskin-trousered [one] looked at him darkly.