- 1853  [[The moose's] horns flattened out to the breadth of shovels, weighed over sixty pounds.]
- 1966  [Caption] Most average size adults could stretch out quite comfortably in the shovels of the huge bull moose.
2 n. of a caribou, one of the small, flattened forward tines of the antler.
- 1911  There is a round beam and six broad, flattened "shovels" of several points on a typical antler. The "armchair" form is worn by the barren-ground caribou, the extra long round beam of each antler curving backward, then rising and pointing its tines ahead, while two broad, short-stemmed "shovels" go straight forward over the face.
- 1939  (1955)  The brow tines extend down over the muzzle, the tip expanding into a broad, vertical "shovel" bearing small points on its margin.