Yankeefied † Yankified Slang, Obs.
1a adj. of things, so made as to be characteristic of the United States and its people.
1b adj. of speech, so uttered as to suggest or characterize an American.
- 1824 "Yea more, he declares, (not modestly, with an 'I suppose,' nor even with a mild Yankified 'I expect'). . . ."

- 1825 "Nor before it either, I calculate," snuffled a yankiefied voice from the corner.

- 1863 He [an Indian] answered when spoken to, not in Mohawk, or Cherokee, or Delaware, but in nasal Yankeefied English; nay, he seemed weakly garrulous.

2 adj. sympathetic to or in support of American ways, political attitudes, etc.