n. — proprietary
a folder made of card stock or plastic in various colours, with three fasteners to hold down loose-leaf paper (see Image 1).
Type: 5. Frequency — Duo-Tang is an American product. The company was founded in 1931 and is headquartered in Paw Paw, Michigan (Bloomberg Business website). As Chart 1 shows, duo-tang is not widely used in the US, but is very frequent in Canada.
See also COD-2, s.v. "Duo-Tang", which is marked "Cdn proprietary".
See also: exercise book
- Combinations exist in terms such as Duotang-bound book (see the 1987 quotation) or duo-tang folder (see the 2006 quotation).
- 1963  Duo-Tang Covers

- 1971  FREE - Duo Tang Covers
- 2 per pack of 275 Sheets Loose Leaf Fillers
- 1987  Printed with the co-operation of Empire Life Insurance Co., the Duotang-bound book runs the gamut from traditional and new games and songs to finger play and rhymes.
- 1991  At Shoppers Drug Mart in Park Royal Shopping Centre yesterday, cashiers had their noses buried in duo-tang folders to see whether provincial sales tax, GST or both should be charged on each item.
- 1992  Duotang folders are only 29 cents each at Woodward's - a much better buy than the fancy cardboard folders with holograms on the front that Woodward's is selling for $1.99.
- 2006  The list includes everything from pens, pencils, erasers, rulers, crayons, scissors, note books, math sets (protractor and compass), felt markers, pencil cases, three-ring paper, duo-tang folders, and highlighters.
- 2007  Ilana Spector, 42, doesn't remember her parents scouring stores for the last purple Duo-Tang in the city.
- 2015  For math these third-graders get off easy with one 1/2-inch hardcover binder, 5 page dividers and a white duotang. English makes up for that lapse, however, requiring 5 duotangs - red, green, yellow, blue and orange. And, oh yes, 1 small exercise book that has to be 1/2-plain and 1/2-ruled. There are also required supplies for ethics and something called portfolio but who's counting.

- 2015  The back-to-school supply lists for a student entering Grade 6-8 add up in a hurry:
6 blue/black pens: $2
2 red pens: $2
Markers: $6
Crayons: $6
Pencil crayons: $4
Pencil case: $4
4 large glue sticks: $10
8 Duo Tangs: $8
1-inch non-zippered binder: $6
5 packages of loose leaf paper: $10
1 package of dividers: $2
3 packages of sticky notes: $4


Chart 1: Internet Domain Search, 19 Jul. 2012 
Image 1: Duo-tang folders. Photo: S. Gaylie.