1838  (1841)  Sealed tenders will be received at this office, until 12 o'clock, noon, Dec. 6th, 1838, from persons who may be willing to contract for the hanging of such sympathisers, patriots, rebels, Yankees, and other vagabonds, as have been taken, or may be taken in arms, during the present disturbances, the tenders to express the rate per dozen, York currency, at which the due execution of the law will be performed.
1849  . . . monied men in Rochester, Buffalo, and other towns along the frontier, subscribed handsomely in 1837-38 to aid the wicked attempts of the "Sympathizers" on the peace of Canada.
1850  Half a mile still further east, near one or two windmills, a sharp fight took place in 1837, between the British troops and a party of American Sympathisers.