n. — Housing, Outdoors
a small summer cottage.
Type: 2. Preservation — This sense retains the general meaning of bungalow, a 'one-storied house', and adds the sense of ‘summer house’ (OED-3 s.v. "bungalow"). Bungalow is preserved in Canada as a regional term for the more widespread "summer cottage" (see Chart 1). The COD-2 notes that the term is from Cape Breton (see also the 2006 and 2007 quotations).
See also COD-2, s.v. "bungalow" (2), which is marked "Cdn (Cape Breton)", and OED-3, s.v. "bungalow", DSAE, s.v. "bungalow" (2), W-3, s.v. "bungalow" (2b).
See also: cottage chalet (meaning 2)
- 1906  It is situated along the Red river and has many beautiful sites for bungalows and summer residences.
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- 1916  Printed muslins [...] are attractive for summer cottages. The most recently introduced material [...] seems just the thing for the bungalow [...]
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- 1939  Dr. and Mrs. Clifford Gilmour have returned from a holiday spent at the Devil's Gap Bungalow Camp and the Lake of the Woods.
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- 1979  The charming Bali Seaside Cottage has native-styled bungalows with modern interiors, [...] starting at $20 single, $25 double.
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- 2000  As we enter the summer vacation season -- friends visiting cottages and shoreline bungalows [...]
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- 2006  While many Canadians may head off to the cottage in the summer, you may find [...] the "bungalow" of the Cape Bretoner, or the "shack," which is the Newfoundlanders' home away from home.
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- 2007  That my son and I heard the coyote at the "cabin" is likewise unusual, if only to Western Canada. The summer hovel is the "bungalow" on Cape Breton, Barber writes, the "shack" in Newfoundland, the "chalet" or "country house" in Quebec, the "camp" in Northern Ontario and New Brunswick, and simply "the lake" in Manitoba -- one example from more than 1,200 regionalisms she explores in the 272 pages of Only in Canada.
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- 2015  Geoffrey Harding, 88, a retired British Columbia doctor, was found last week lying in a pool of blood at his vacation bungalow in the Bahamas.
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Chart 1: Internet Domain Search, 15 Jan. 2014