to concede a rouge.
See also: Canadian football rouge ((n.))
- 1881  During the first half the University team kept the ball in the vicinity of their opponent's goal, who were forced to rouge three times, while a succession of successful runs at one time on the part of Hamilton made the visiting team touch down behind their goal line for safety. 
- 1904  No sooner has the McGill captain kicked off than the ball is returned and again McGill is forced to rouge.
- 1927  Argos collected their first point when Tigers lost ground on penalties and Harris forced Leadley to rouge with a long point. 
- 1938  A single for which Tony McCarthy forced Art West to rouge after Tiny Herman's placement had gone wide, gave Ottawa their lone point in the second. 
- 2001  6______ 8____ British Columbia Lions____59____Denied reports of demise.
7______ 7____ Calgary Stampeders________63____Were rouged.
2 v. — Canadian Football, dated, rare today
to force the opposing team to concede a rouge.
Type: 3. Semantic Change — Like meaning 1, which is losing points by being rouged, this meaning, which is to gain points via forcing a rouge ((n.)) is today dated and increasingly rare. Canadian Newsstream includes no single token for was rouged in this meaning. The verbal form, instead, has specialized since the early 20th century to the meaning 'to apply rouge makeup to one's face'.