1577  (1889)  [Their houses are tentes, made of Seale skinns, pitched vp with 4. Firre quarters, foure square, meeting at the toppe, and the skinnes sewed together with sinewes, and layd thereupon: they are so pitched vp, that the entraunce into them, is alwayes South, or against the Sunne.]
1836  [Tent Too-pik.]
1860  (1865)  On my way, . . . just outside the angeko's tupic, I noticed an oar of a kia[k] stuck upright in a drift of frozen snow.
1895  We were visiting an encampment of half a dozen "tupeks," and one morning, some of our "Huskie" friends volunteered to go with us in the boats for wood.
1959  Occasionally he called our attention to one or more Eskimo tupiks, or skin tents, at the deltas of small rivers.